
Friday, September 14, 2012

Magic: The Gathering Printable Life Tracking Sheets

It's the final day of Magic: The Gathering week, and today I have for you a myriad of methods for life tracking.

Tracking life; it's necessary for every single game of Magic. There's no right or wrong way to do it, whether it's using scrap paper, a life tracker on a play mat, or dice. I've created a variety of printable sheets and trackers that should make doing so much easier. If nothing else, think of it as another way to inject variety into your gaming world.

Printable Methods of Tracking Life
  • EDH/Commander Life Tracking Sheet: This printable sheet has a grid for easily tracking General/Commander damage in addition to columns for tracking your life totals.
  • Life Tracking Board (Up to 40): Use a single die, coin, or glass bead to keep track of your life total
  • Life Tracking Board (Up to 99) with Poison Tracking: Use a pair of dice, coins, or glass beads to keep track of your life total. Cut out just the life tracking board or the full board that includes a tracker for Poison counters.
  • Life Tracking Sheet: A page of columns broken up into three sections to track life for a large number of players or games.
  • Life Tracking Sheet (Card Size): Sets of columns formatted to the size of a Magic card. They're perfect for storing in your deck box.
EHD/Commander Life Tracking Sheet

Life Tracking Board (Up to 40)

Life Tracking Board (Up to 99) with Poison Counters

Life Tracking Sheet - Card Size

Find more free Magic: The Gathering content on the Downloads page


  1. Hey thanks a lot! I really love your Life Tracking Board (99), great work and makes life a lot easier while playing.

  2. thanks a lot for sharing this great article of yours..i am glad that you have shared and give us some information..


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