
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Townsfolk Preview

The crazy busy holiday season continues with visiting family and friends and more time in cars than I care to think about. Alas, free time has been scarce. Fortunately, I've managed to pry a little time here and there to start in on the next D&D printable miniatures set, Townsfolk, generously sponsored by Eric Garlow. The second half of Townsfolk will go up soon after the holidays.


  1. Hey, they look great! I can't wait to see the other half. By the way, I appreciate the offer to do the line art but I'd rather you spend your free time doing new minis. Especially since you have such a long "On Deck" list to get too.

  2. This is great concept! I've actually been thinking about doing the same thing (in a very different style, though). I've started on designing flat counters, but I just started doing folding/stand-up counters today.

    You can check out the progress at


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