
Monday, January 28, 2013

Look to the Skies!

These griffons (generously sponsored by Mr. Bear) are fierce, dangerous, and ready to fight. Whether you're fighting against them, alongside them, or triumphantly mounted on their feathery backs is up to you.

In this set you'll find:
  • Griffon
  • Rimefire Griffon
  • Macaw/Tiger Griffon
  • Raven/Panther Griffon
  • Peacock/Leopard
Download Griffons PDF
Site update!
I've finally taken that last step to make iheartprintandplay as accessible as possible by creating a Twitter for me to throw updates on. If you're looking for a way to stay up to date on new posts, here's another great way for you to do so. This account is solely for the purpose of sending out alerts to new posts and other iheartprintandplay related stuff. Trust me, you'll never see junk tweets about what I just had for breakfast or how I just stubbed my toe on a chair. So, if you like to follow things at the speed of Twitter, you can follow the site at @iheartprintplay.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the raven, macaw, and peacock gryphons just beg to be used in a game!


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