
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

With Our Powers Combined...

A wonderful opportunity has presented itself recently. As you may know, I occasionally share print and play games under the banner of “iheart Presents”. While I thoroughly enjoy finding and playing print and play games, trying to sit down and write descriptions and reviews takes time away from me working on fun original miniatures for you to enjoy. Plus, there’s a great website already out there that has mastered the art of reviewing board games. So... this week marks the beginning of iheartprintandplay's official partnership with the board game review site!

Written by a trio of game enthusiasts that go by futurewolfie, Farmer Lenny, and Jason, iSlaytheDragon's large collection of reviews, guides, and weekly updates in the gaming world is an amazing resource for anyone interested in board games. Their reviews are thoughtful, critical, helpful, and actually engaging and fun to read. Their assortment of guides are incredibly useful and cover a wide range of topics like how to teach new players, general gaming tips, and common gaming terminology. In addition to the reviews and guides, every Monday you'll find a new post with big or interesting news in the gaming world as well as any game-related Kickstarter campaigns of note. (How else would I have learned that there's a new Princess Bride board game coming out? Inconceivable!)

What does this mean for the future? I'll be leaving the board game reviews to the fine folks at iSlaytheDragon, but I'll continue to provide links for any print and play versions of the games. To easily stay up-to-date with all the goings on with our sites, you can like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. One special note: iheartprintandplay is now using iSlaytheDragon's Twitter feed for updates, so if that's your preferred method of tracking cool things, be sure to follow us there.

We're hoping this partnership will help us grow and give you even more reasons to come back to us. We're also always on the lookout for more ways to give back to the gaming community, so if you or someone you know has a little blog that would like to partner with iSlaytheDragon and iheartprintandplay, let us know!

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