
Saturday, July 20, 2013


The bigger, nastier cousins of the goblins, these hobgoblins are ready for battle.
This set contains:
  • Hobgoblin Archer
  • Hobgoblin Commander
  • Hobgoblin Fleshcarver
  • Hobgoblin Grunt
  • Hobgoblin Hand of Bane
  • Hobgoblin Soldier
  • Hobgoblin Warcaster
  • Hobgoblin Warrior
Download Hobgoblin Set

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  1. Good as always! I will use in my next adventure for sure! Thanks! :D

    1. Thanks! Good luck with your next adventure. =)

  2. Hey man, love your work. Will a new poll be going up anytime soon? If so, I'd love it if one of the options was a mix of basic characters of all the player races. By "basic," what I mean is just wearing simple/minimal clothing, in neutral poses, with nothing in their hands. That way, it would be fairly simple for each player (or whichever player is voted "most artistic") to draw armor and weapons directly on the minis to create their unique characters.

    Actually, you could even take it a step further and create little cut-out armor and weapon sets that could be glued to the normal minis. I mean, in a way, these minis basically are paper dolls... so why not take cues from them?

    One more suggestion and then I promise to shut up: more Black & White versions! Not only because color ink is expensive (and less money spent on ink means more money we could donate to our favorite artist!) but also because it's really fun to get some markers and color the minis the color you want them to be. It's almost like a coloring book, except you get to play with it. A coloring book and paper dolls. Man, these paper minis throw me back to my childhood in the best way!

  3. I definitely have plans to run more polls, I'm just not sure of the timing as of yet due to my current work load for iheartprintandplay. Thanks for the suggestions, those are definitely interesting ideas I'll have to think about. I have been giving some thought to going back and putting together B&W versions of old sets, I just wasn't sure if there was any interest. I may have to revisit that idea. Thanks!

  4. Thank you! I'm running the beginning of Thunderspire Labyrinth next weekend and these came just in time for my uses. My players love your paper minis. Thanks for all your work and releasing them for free.

    1. Wonderful! I'm glad your group is enjoying them. You're very welcome. =)


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