
Friday, October 4, 2013

PC of the Week: Tiefling Warlock

Though often misunderstood, Tiefling Warlocks can be powerful allies in your struggle against evil. As I've done with previous PC of the Week characters, I've provided 2 different skin tones for the Tieflings, but I've also included a black & white line art version as well for those that want to print with less ink and/or choose their own color scheme. Check in next Friday for the next PC of the Week: the Eladrin Warlord.

Download Tiefling Warlock
Find more printable characters by checking out the Character Miniatures section of the Downloads page.

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  1. These are great! I like that you gave each one its own skin tone and horn style.

  2. Keep up the great work! Loving these!


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