
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Origami Dice

Regardless of the game, let's face it, dice are fun. I enjoy throwing dice, and I love a game that involves custom dice. A while back I was working on my own game and needed some custom d6s. I really didn't like the standard tetris shape cut-out dice that you fold and tape since you need to wrap it around something to actually use. I discovered online some origami dice that could be made out of regular paper and actually function without anything else, not even tape. I made a replica of the pattern I found online so that I could create my own symbols on the computer, put them on the dice and print them out. To that end, I thought I'd not only share PDFs of the dice template, but the SVG files (for Inkscape, an open source illustrator program) as well so that if you want to make your own dice with images on your PC, you don't have to recreate the templates yourselves.

Click on any of the [PDF] or [SVG] links to download the respective files.
How to Fold Origami Dice Guide: [PDF]
Dice Template Small: [PDF] [SVG]
Dice Template Medium: [PDF] [SVG]
Dice Template Large: [PDF] [SVG]

For this guide the good side is colored red and the backside is colored white.

1. Fold the sheet along both of the vertical gray lines, then unfold them. We just need a crease along those lines.
2. Flip the sheet over, then take the top right corner and fold it along the long diagonal line as shown below.
3. Rotate the sheet 90° counter-clockwise. Now take the corner you folded over and fold over the crease you made in step 1 (the vertical gray line) while also folding along the other gray line.

4. Unfold the folds you made in step 2 and 3, then repeat steps 2 and 3 using the opposite corner of the sheet.

5. Unfold again all the folds you've made so far. Now at the same time, re-fold both corners as you did in steps 2 and 3 so that the sheet looks like the image below.
6. Fold the end flap corners over to form a point. Flip it over and fold the ends back to form a square. The ends do not need to lie flat; They will be used to fit together with the other sides.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 to create a total of six pieces.
8. To assemble the pieces together, slip the pointed end of one piece into the little pocket that is under the middle of another piece. Continue to fit them together until it's a complete cube. Don't be afraid to bend the flaps as needed to position them for sliding into the pockets of adjacent pieces.


  1. Wow, this is cool, I need to try this out! ;-). Thanks for sharing!

  2. It occurs to me that this is brilliant way to get around a lot of the FFG specific dice sets. Just the images from the die needed, and away you go. Cheers boss.


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