
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Kobold D&D Minis

For my second set of D&D printable minis I decided to tackle a classic monster race for low-level encounters, kobolds.

As I did with my lizardfolk minis I've also created a black & white line art version for saving ink/printing in B&W or coloring your own.

To download either, use the links below:

I'm particularly pleased with this mini set. The kobolds were a little more intensive to create than the lizardfolk were since there was a greater variety of weapons and armor. I also shook things up a little with a variety of tail positions as well as two different poses for the kobold's head. Enjoy!

Here's the list of Kobold mins in the PDF:
  • Kobold Minion (Level 1 Minion) [MM1]
  • Kobold Skirmisher (Level 1 Skirmisher) [MM1]
  • Kobold Slinger (Level 1 Artillery) [MM1]
  • Kobold Slink (Level 1 Lurker) [Adventure: Keep on the Shadowfell)
  • Kobold Cleaver (Level 2 Minion) [Dungeon Delve]
  • Kobold Dragonshield (Level 2 Soldier) [MM1]
  • Kobold Denwarden (Level 2 Soldier) [Adventure: Keep on the Shadowfell)
  • Kobold Wyrmpriest (Level 3 Artillery - Leader) [MM1]
  • Kobold Slyblade (Level 4 Lurker) [MM1]


  1. I love these little guys! Downloading both B&W as well as colour NOW. Keep up the terrific work Derek!

    1. Thanks! I'm working on a set of humans that should be done in a day or two.

    2. Yeah, these are simply fantastic!

  2. I just love these guys! Very well done.

    It's a real shame i don't really use kobolds or lizardfolk in my current campaigns. If you where to do Gnolls however... :-)

    1. Thanks! I just created a suggestions page ( today and I already added gnolls to the list. :)

  3. Hey Derek, love your work so far. However, the very same issue as with some other downloads is here: in all downloads, direct or mediafire, color or BW, you only get a blank pdf. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for the heads up. The direct downloads have been starting to have this problem. MediaShout on the other hand should be working. I just testing it with these Kobold downloads and they worked. If you're still having issues, shoot me an email at and I'll be happy to email you the file.


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